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Local artists perform “moomi olee kerkeey kooreenyoo”, a song about the splendor
AfricaArticleCIPDPCommunity-led conservationCountryKenyaPartnersRegionSustainable livelihoodsThemesTraditional and local knowledgeUncategorised

Conservation through application of traditional practices and indigenous knowledge

Indigenous communities are perhaps the only groups of people in Africa who still maintain their traditional values and culture. Often, their way of life is dictated by their environment and available natural resources, and to live in harmony with nature, they have to develop ways…
Demonstration on quadrat method of data collection
AfricaArticleBiodiversity monitoringCIPDPCommunity-led conservationCountryKenyaPartnersRegionSustainable livelihoodsThemesTypeUncategorised

Community Based Biodiversity monitoring

ICCS training on biodiversity monitoring methods The Interdisciplinary Centre For Conservation Science (ICCS) is a research group based in the Department of Biology, University of Oxford. Through research and collaboration across the world, the ICCS and its fellows work at the interface of social and…
EN: Yanesha woman spinning. Central forest. Photo: Bruno Takahashi/ CHIRAPAQ. ES (original): Mujer Yanesha hilando. Selva Central. Foto: Bruno Takahashi/ CHIRAPAQ.
AfricaAIPPAsiaBiodiversity monitoringBlogCHIRAPAQCIPDPCommunity-led conservationCountryFPPGTANWICCSIINIMPECTInternational processesKenyaLand and resource rightsLMMalaysiaPartnersPASDPeruPhilippinesPIKPRegionReportSustainable livelihoodsThailandThe AmericasThemesTraditional and local knowledgeTypeUNEP-WCMC

Showcase on Indigenous contributions to biodiversity conservation: Transformative Pathways website launches

The Transformative Pathways website, launched on the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, is a platform to evidence Indigenous Peoples' and Local Communities’ work safeguarding biodiversity across the globe. The website is a repository of information  to ensure that Indigenous voices are heard in global biodiversity policy.…
AfricaArticleCIPDPCommunity-led conservationKenyaSustainable livelihoodsTraditional and local knowledge

Conservation of Mt. Elgon forest

Mt. Elgon forest has continued to suffer degradation despite efforts to protect its resources by different actors. Charcoal burning, uncontrolled harvesting of bamboos and other forest products are key drivers of deforestation. Government’s approach to conservation using the Plantation Establishment and Livelihood Improvement scheme (PELIS)…
“We want to demonstrate to the environmental policy makers both at national and international level that Indigenous people; Ogiek in this case, can coexist with nature without harming it” - Phoebe Ndiema, CIPDP
AfricaBlogCIPDPCommunity-led conservationFPPICCSKenyaSustainable livelihoodsTraditional and local knowledge

Indigenous fellows lead workshop on biodiversity monitoring protocol at Oxford University

Phoebe Ndiema and Elijah Kitelo, both biodiversity fellows at the Interdisciplinary Centre of Conservation Science (ICCS) at the University of Oxford, led a hybrid workshop on biodiversity monitoring protocols on the 7th June, 2023. Attended by Oxford academics from a wide variety of expertises -…
AfricaAsiaCommunity-led conservationLand and resource rightsRegionSustainable livelihoodsThe AmericasTraditional and local knowledgeVideo

Facing Extinction, Defending Life

This film has been a co-creation between LifeMosaic, and many Indigenous leaders, filmmakers and advisors from Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Polynesia. It tells the story of the threats to biodiversity, the climate emergency, and the rapid destruction of cultural diversity: an interconnected story of…
Group photo of the Transformative Pathways Annual Review and Planning Meeting, Included were community members from Thailand, indigenous representatives and staff from partners in Peru, Thailand, Philippines and Kenya, as well as staff from global supporting organizations. Chiang Mai, 2023. The purpose of the meeting was to strengthen the project, reflecting on the previous year, plan for the next, share workplans, participate in capacity-building sessions on CBD international policy processes, workshops on sharing biodiversity monitoring experiences, and advocacy strategies. Photo by PASD.
AfricaAIPPAsiaBlogCHIRAPAQCIPDPCommunity-led conservationFPPGTANWICCSIINIMPECTInternational processesKenyaLand and resource rightsLMPASDPeruPhilippinesPIKPSustainable livelihoodsThailandThe AmericasTraditional and local knowledgeUNEP-WCMC

First Transformative Pathways In-Person Meeting: Annual Planning and Review

The first in-person meeting of the Transformative Pathways consortium took place in Thailand in February 2023. Around 50 participants were present, including project partners, community members and Thai officials. The first day was focused on partner presentations which explored their visions for how this project…
AfricaAIPPAsiaCommunity-led conservationIINInternational processesLand and resource rightsPress ReleaseSustainable livelihoodsThe AmericasTraditional and local knowledgeUncategorised

Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities celebrate COP15 deal on nature, and welcome the opportunity of working together with states to implement the framework

Following two weeks of often tense negotiations of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), in Montreal, Canada, the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB) praised the text for its "strong language on respect for the rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities." In a statement…
AfricaArticleCIPDPCommunity-led conservationKenyaSustainable livelihoodsTraditional and local knowledge

Chepkitale Ogiek Thanksgiving Day and launch of Transformative Pathways project in Kenya

The Chepkitale Ogiek’s first Thanksgiving Day was held at Laboot on 18th November 2022 to celebrate 20 years of peace, biodiversity enhancement and land rights achievements.  The occasion was also the official launch of the Chepkitale Ogiek’s participation in the Transformative Pathways project, which directly…