As part of the Transformative Pathways project, FPP and UNEP-WCMC, together with the Secretariat to the Convention on Biological Diversity, convened an Expert Workshop on Traditional Knowledge Indicators in Cambridge, UK, in March 2024. The event brought together Indigenous experts on indicators, members of the…
Project Update April 2024
This Project Update, published in April 2024, brings together updates from the Transformative Pathways partners on their key activities and work undertaken since the start of the project in 2022. Capacity building sessions on biodiversity monitoring have been a key part of the first phase…
In February 2024, 14 indigenous conservation advocates from the regions of Ayacucho and Pasco in Peru participated in the updating of the National Biodiversity Strategy 2050, contributing with their knowledge and experience to strengthen indigenous peoples’ initiatives in the protection of biological diversity and territorial…
In February 2024, twelve project partners of the Transformative Pathways consortium gathered for the second in-person planning and review meeting at Laboot, Chepkitale in Kenya. The meeting hosted nearly 80 participants, including representatives of all organisations, and local community members of the Ogiek of Mt…
Processes promoted in the family
In June 2022, we began the implementation of the Transformative Pathways project, which works to support Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities to lead and scale up conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. These actions will also serve to conserve and protect the natural environments where…
The Transformative Pathways website, launched on the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, is a platform to evidence Indigenous Peoples' and Local Communities’ work safeguarding biodiversity across the globe. The website is a repository of information to ensure that Indigenous voices are heard in global biodiversity policy.…
The first in-person meeting of the Transformative Pathways consortium took place in Thailand in February 2023. Around 50 participants were present, including project partners, community members and Thai officials. The first day was focused on partner presentations which explored their visions for how this project…