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Traditional and local knowledge

Traditional and local knowledge refers to the knowledge, innovations, and practices developed by indigenous peoples, and by local communities, over generations. This knowledge is often closely tied to local ecosystems and can provide valuable insights into the biodiversity of an area, as well as the management and conservation of natural resources. 

By providing alternative visions, indigenous peoples are creating transitions towards more equitable and sustainable futures.  However, indigenous knowledge is steadily eroding due to numerous external and internal threats, including the loss of lands and territory, development aggression and militarization, discrimination, and commercial misappropriation. 

This project is designed to combat the threats to the continued practice and transmission of indigenous knowledge, by working at the global, national, and local levels simultaneously and engaging with indigenous peoples’ organisations. 

A woman sits at a table with children to teach them Hmong patterns
Children learn how to make traditional Hmong patterns in Thailand. Photo by IMPECT

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Training resources on the Convention on Biological Diversity

This booklet series provides Indigenous Peoples and local communities with key insights into the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), and its Target 3, focusing on their rights and participation in global conservation efforts. It offers guidance on engaging…

Ensuring the sustainability of customary use on Indigenous and community-held lands

This guide is for local organisations (e.g. community-based organisations and trusted local non-governmental organisations) which are supporting Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IP & LCs) in their desire to assess the sustainability of natural resources on their lands (both terrestrial and marine), and implement activities…

Mapping and Monitoring in Indigenous Territories

This film is made by six indigenous filmmakers from Asia, Latin America and Africa, about mapping and monitoring in indigenous territories. The film is designed to raise community awareness and looks into ancestral and technological approaches to mapping and monitoring, as well as the benefits…
Monitors gathering biodiversity data in Mt. Elgon Forest

Community-based biodiversity monitoring trials begin in Mt. Elgon

After a series of indoor training and field practical together with elders, the monitors have gained skills to enable them collect data.  With past experience on the use of mapping tool which is mastered by some of the monitors, the community is now applying the…
Sungai ethnic men explaining on the types of animal traps using materials from their forest. Tony/PACOS, 2015

PACOS Trust joins the Transformative Pathways

As of August 2024, we are honoured to welcome PACOS Trust, an Indigenous community-based organisation in Sabah, Malaysia to the Transformative Pathways Project.  PACOS Trust (short for Partners of Community Organisations in Sabah) is dedicated to improving the quality of life in Indigenous communities in…

From Ways of Life Across Generations to Season Change

As the rainy season approaches, the trees, plants, and forests seem to come back to life. The brown grass in the fields, dry from last summer, transforms into a lush green. The rice fields start filling with water from the rain, awaiting plowing, while the…

Further info

Dominant values and worldviews lead the youth away from indigenous knowledge that has traditionally been linked to the land and its resources and passed down by the elders to the new generations. Some elders themselves are reluctant to pass on their knowledge, surrendering to the idea of formal education as the single path towards paid employment and family support. These underlying causes endanger the continued practice and transmission of indigenous knowledge.  

This project is designed to combat this, by working at the global, national, and local levels simultaneously and engaging with indigenous peoples’ organisations to impact both the structures of biodiversity planning and monitoring, to introduce improved local knowledge and monitoring data into the monitoring of success, and to support local processes of knowledge valuing, transmission and retention. 

There is a need to develop the capacity of the target groups to strengthen indigenous wisdom and to promote and transmit this so that indigenous peoples’ contributions to biodiversity conservation and sustainable use are appreciated and recognized.  

The barriers to better recognition and support for indigenous peoples’ cultures, knowledges, and land and resource management systems are varied and nationally specific and will be addressed through nationally designed programmes of work. 

Indigenous youth dancing at a festival in Peru
Students dance at Nugkui festival in Boca Chinganaza, Peru. Photo by Evaristo Pujupat/GTANW