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In Peru, the Transformative Pathways project is focused on strengthening indigenous people’s initiatives for protecting biodiversity and governing their territories in the Andean-Amazon regions. This is done through the application – and documentation – of traditional Andean-Amazonian agroecological approaches and territory-based provisioning systems. 

Key participants in this country’s project are the Wampis in the regions of Amazonas and Loreto (Northern Amazon), the Yanesha people in Pasco (Selva Central), and the Quechua people in Ayacucho. 

The project in Peru is implemented by two organisations – The Autonomous Territorial Government of The Wampis Nation (GTANW) and CHIRAPAQ, Centre of Indigenous Cultures of Peru.

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Third Transformative Pathways In-Person Meeting: Annual Planning and Review

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IIFB representatives at COP16

Outcomes of COP16 for Indigenous Peoples and local communities

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Sharing knowledge on biodiversity: Meeting of the Yanesha and Shipibo peoples

On 26 November 2024, a meeting on traditional knowledge on biodiversity took place between the Yanesha and Shipibo peoples in the community of Unión de la Selva, territory of the Yanesha people in the region of Pasco, Peru.Unión de la Selva is a community that…

Conservation and Human Rights: An Introduction

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Training resources on the Convention on Biological Diversity

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Ensuring the sustainability of customary use on Indigenous and community-held lands

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Further info

Key Activities

  • Supporting community-based monitoring and communal territorial governance systems
  • Regenerating biodiversity and strengthening communal food sovereignty, livelihoods and traditional occupations
  • Application of Andean-Amazonian agroecological approaches, including reforestation and recovery of endangered animal and plant species
  • Scoping studies and strategies to develop territory-based provisioning systems for food, water, livelihoods and waste management
  • Intergenerational knowledge sharing, education of indigenous youth around protection of traditional knowledge, territory and responding to current socio-ecological challenges
  • Advocacy and national-level dialogues around laws and proposals relating to biodiversity and indigenous peoples’ territories
  • Supporting indigenous communities to document and share experiences
  • Promoting the inclusion of indigenous community-led initiatives in CBD (e.g. contributions to NBSAPs) and the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) processes
Imiarus sign agreement, 19 March 2021. Photo by Diego Benavente Marchán / GTANW
Imiarus sign agreement, 19 March 2021. Photo by Diego Benavente Marchán / GTANW
Fiorella López Manchari (37 years old) of the Yanesha people grows vegetables in her family's bio-garden. Unión de La Selva Native Community, district of Villa Rica, province of Oxapampa, Pasco region, Peru.
Fiorella López Manchari (37 years old) of the Yanesha people grows vegetables in her family’s bio-garden. Unión de La Selva Native Community, district of Villa Rica, province of Oxapampa, Pasco region, Peru. Photo: Luisenrrique Becerra Velarde / CHIRAPAQ.