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In Kenya, the Transformative Pathways project is designed to build a collaborative framework to support the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) on a national level. This is done through embedding local community and indigenous contributions into national strategies and reporting. 

Key participants in this country’s project are the Ogiek community of Mt. Elgon and local communities in Bungoma and Trans Nzoia counties, and six pastoral communities in Narok, Samburu and West Pokot counties. 

The project in Kenya is implemented by two organisations – the Chepkitale Indigenous Peoples Development Project (CIPDP) and the Indigenous Information Network (IIN). 

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IIFB representatives at COP16

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Monitors gathering biodiversity data in Mt. Elgon Forest

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Further info

Key Activities

  • Supporting the process of registering community lands 
  • Supporting a rights-based approach to conservation
  • Supporting the development of “Knowledge Centers” where traditional knowledge will be documented, shared and used
  • Supporting the development, by the involved communities, of monitoring systems to assess key biodiversity indicators as chosen by them (key species, ecosystem health, traditional occupations) 
  • Supporting traditional economies to improve livelihoods 
  • Supporting collaboration between communities, conservation agencies and policy makers 
  • Supporting the strengthening of the CBD implementation through learning from actions made at the community level 
A Jubilant Ogiek Woman (Teresa Chemosop) Celebrates During Community Assemblies at Laboot, Mt. Elgon. Kenya
A Jubilant Ogiek Woman (Teresa Chemosop) Celebrates During Community Assemblies at Laboot, Mt. Elgon. Photo by Mutai/CIPDP
Samburu Indigenous Peoples doing Community Resource Mapping at Kiltamany, Kenya
Samburu Indigenous Peoples doing Community Resource Mapping at Kiltamany. Photo by Indigenous Information Network (IIN)