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As of August 2024, we are honoured to welcome PACOS Trust, an Indigenous community-based organisation in Sabah, Malaysia to the Transformative Pathways Project. 

PACOS Trust (short for Partners of Community Organisations in Sabah) is dedicated to improving the quality of life in Indigenous communities in Sabah. PACOS Trust focuses on securing legal titles for customary lands, strengthening Indigenous knowledge systems, and preserving the values and culture of the Murut Tahol, the Kadazan Dusun and the Dusun peoples. 

“The Transformative Pathways project will assist us in documenting community best practices in biodiversity monitoring and help us build networks with government and conservation agencies to support community-led conservation initiatives.”  - Gordon John, PACOS Trust 

Within the Transformative Pathways Project, the efforts of PACOS Trust will concentrate on building capacity and raising awareness of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) processes and climate change in Malaysia. 

They will also implement Community-Based Monitoring and Information Systems (CBMIS) and collaborate with government agencies to promote the Sabah Biodiversity strategies, highlighting the relationship between Indigenous Knowledge and conservation. 

Through their work in this project, PACOS Trust aims to empower Indigenous communities in managing their natural resources and preserving their cultural practices and sustainable livelihoods. 

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Learn about PACOS TrustExplore their work in Malyasia