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To prepare for the global discussions on the Convention on Biological Diversity in the last quarter of 2022, the Partners for Indigenous Knowledge Philippines (PIKP) met with the national agency Department of Environment and Natural Resources – Biodiversity Management Bureau and took part in its CBD Bootcamp that involved other government and non-government stakeholders. PIKP was able to put forward its concerns about retaining traditional knowledge and FPIC concepts intact, among others. These were likewise discussed during an internal workshop on the CBD process.

Indigenous practices on maintaining healthy soil have been faced with the aggressive campaigns on use of chemical fertilizers and modern agriculture practices over the decades. In Besao, Mountain Province, there are indigenous food systems that a few elders were able to share with younger farmers during a workshop on soil fertility. Aside from a sharing of indigenous knowledge on soil fertility, new practices or innovations on composting were taught. In the photo are elders talking about practices that could be revived again.

A training on Biodiversity Resource Inventory and Mapping was also held in Imugan, Nueva Vizcaya where our local partners from Baguio and Besao took part. It was an opportunity to learn about the process and how it could possibly be done in other partner areas in the future.

A learning exchange on traditional chants was conducted with young people of Baguio City and La Trinidad, Benguet. Knowledge holders from four provinces of the Cordillera were happy to share the background and purpose of traditional chanting. The young people were able to compose their own chants and expressed desire to learn aspects of music and dance as well.

PIKP co-published the book Tiwtiwong: an Uncylopedia to Life, Living and Art in Baguio, the Cordilleras and Beyond which features an array of words and phrases that depict traditional language and practices from many perspectives, including changes over time and influence. The content came from a wide group of local artists. A soft-launching of the book during a book fair was held at the University of Baguio.